Battle of the Blogs

Hey guys! Long time no read. But today I have something very special for you. Goatmoerser from Aleatorblog paid me a visit ~2 weeks ago and we had a fun 500 pts. match with our armies: his IV Argos and my Traitor Guard.The following battle report was written by...

What to do with insomnia

I wasn't able to sleep well last night and lay wide awake most of the time. At 5 am I finally decided to get up. And as this afternoon I'm going to meet Goatmoerser, an aquaintance of mine from Aleatorblog, for a 500 pts. match and some beers, I decided to paint a...

Perry Miniatures

My latest commission work: 40 cavalry and 80 infantry models from Perry Miniatures' "War of the Rose" range for a friend of mine. I wonder what his plans are with that many copper statues. :)

Bloodcrusher of Khorne – the last one

The last Bloodcrusher of Khorne for my current Daemon army commission got finished yesterday evening. The last thing to paint now is an Exalted Chariot of Slaanesh.

Dire Wolves

The next 9 miniatures for the customer got finished today: Dire WolvesIt's only 9 because in one of the sprues one head was missing and the customer said it was okay if I only painted the 9 complete ones.