Genestealers vs. 30k Space Marines

I posted my list in the last post if you're interested. The goal was to create a micro environment loosely based upon Space Hulk featuring a lot of terrain with tight corridors on a 4x4 area. The Tyranid table had spores and gigantic glowing crystals erupting from the...

Tyranids go to Zone Mortalis Event [1000]

I ran a 30k Zone Mortalis event today and was the ringer. We had a total of six players including myself...Adeptus MechanciumTyranidsNight LordsSalamandersSons of HorusWorld EatersI brought Tyranids for fun and setup a special table for them that fit the theme. In...

Casual versus Competitve

As always these days I continually hear griping about the struggles between casual and competitive players to be able to have a game both enjoy together. I am a competitive gamer so obviously I have some bias. My experience has always been in one versus one games both...

Enter the Wulfen

So far the new Wulfen have received mixed reviews. Some say that the game is turning back towards the assault phase while others say they aren't worth their points and this basically an exercise in pulling in the reins on Space Wolves - note the Iron Priest is now...

Can pure Khorne be competitive ?

So the question posed is can a pure Khorne be competitive ? This means they must be able to beat eldar shenanigans and Battle Company in missions using Maelstrom as one of the objectives. Yesterday I posted a 2000 point Khorne Daemonkin (KDK) list that I played today...