Khorne Daemonkin 2k army list

+++ Daemonkin 2k (2000) +++++ Codex: Khorne Daemonkin (Combined Arms Detachment) (2000) +++ HQ (465) +Chaos Lord (265)Axe of Khorne - Collar of Khorne - Juggernaut of Khorne - Power Fist - Sigil of Corruption - The Blood-forged ArmourChaos LordUnit Type:...

In Praise of LVO • Where do we go from here

Hi everybody ! It's your friendly neighborhood Black Blow Fly swinging through your area again to spread some mischief and malcontent !!! Today's timely subject is how to deal with some of the top 8 winning lists from the Los Vegas Open 2016 (LVO). I'll focus on the...

Space Hulk Mission – RETRIEVAL

ForcesLegion Astartes Recon Team:The Legion Astartes player can field up to one HQ and two squads.Genestealers:The Genestealer player can field a force equal to the total points of the Legion Astartes Recon Team. The Genestealer force consists of up to one Tyranid...

New Rules for Heresy Legions

Emperor's Children- All models with the LA rule gain +1 initiative on the charge - Sonic shriekers are now -1WS to enemy models in base contact which aren't immune to fear. Effects the full length of the combat (not just first round), not just if you charge- Phoenix...

New Rites of War for Horus Heresy

Generic Rites of War Armoured Breakthrough: Predator squads are compulsory troops, Sicarians as Elites, no fortifications / immobile units / units without transports Primarchs Chosen: Primarch is HQ and not LoW, Veterans and Terminators as Compulsory Troops. Brethren...