Ravenscar vs. Chaos Batrep – Conclusion

3rd Turn - ChaosKenny's Soulgrinder arrives from reserve and deep strikes close by the Spawn with the two attached Sorcerers. Belakor (gliding) and the forward Maulerfiend both move straight towards my Black Knights stuck in combat with the Horrors while the lone unit...

Ravenscar vs. Chaos Batrep Part 1

The big game was played while I was home for vacation earlier this month with Kenny Boucher at Atomic Empire in Durham, NC.Chapter Master Thorr has convinced a small contingent of Ravenwing to join his biker company leading them to the outer edge of the Eye of Terror...

Chaos vs. BikeStar Battle Report

Tomorrow I will post the written battle report versus Kenny Boucher and his Chaos army. It was a fast battle featuring mainly psychic duels and extreme martial forms of melee.