Khorne 2250 point Unbound Army List

Here is Chaos army list I ran yesterday at a local 2250 point unbound tournament -Chaos Typhon (Lord of War - Chaos Space Marines)Lascannon sponsons - Armored ceramite - 1st War of Armageddon (legacy)Kytan - Daemon Engine of Khorne (Lord of War - Khorne...

Deredeo Dreadnaught

Here's another new dreadnaught from Forge World often referred to as the Dorito. The price is right for this one - it's basically the new Mortis Contemptor on crack.This is the dreadnaught that Flyrants tend to hate with a passion because it will mulch right through...

The Leviathan !

There's a new dreadnaught recently released by Forgeworld - the Leviathan !Here are its stats for Horus Heresy 30k:There are also rules for fielding the Leviathan in 40k armies for Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Marines and Space Wolves - note the stats are the...

Storm Giant Biker Squad Painting Tutorial

Hi everyone !!! It's your friendly Black Blow Fly swinging through your neighborhood again to spread lots of mischief and some decay again !!! Today I have a simple painting tutorial for you. This tutorial is aimed at achieving a tabletop quality level you will enjoy...