Video battle reporting incoming…

I've tried to make December a very special month for everyone who follows this blog. If you do follow the blog you know I'm a competitive gamer and have no qualms about it. It's looking like I might be able to get in a rematch versus my battle brother Kenny Boucher of...

40k Khorne vs. 30k Admech (5000) • Conclusion

I'm going to condense the last two turns into a final synopsis - the game went five turns and took about 7 hours to play with a 45 minute lunch break.Both Thanatars were down for the count by the end of the third turn but there was still the two Imperial Knights, the...

40k Khorne vs. 30k Admech • Part 2

So the first turn is over which was mostly a movement based turn for both sides. Admech has pushed forward with its walkers being primarily a melee army. My Khorne army is actually more shooty overall with the Typhon, Greater Brass Scorpion and the land raiders. I...

Yet another Dakka turd…

Saw this lovely little message in my inbox this morning...Hello, Your post at has been identified by a moderator as being 'inappropriate content for Dakka Dakka'. This means your post...

40k Khorne vs. 30k Admech • 1st Turn

I know some people like a bit of historical background for battle reports so here is mine...Abbadon holds a grudge against the Adeptus Mechanicus dating all the way back to the heresy due to what he considered betrayal when a certain Admech battle group deserted a...