40k Khorne vs. 30k Admech batrep (5k)

Yesterday I got to play in a mega battle with my Khorne army versus Adeptus Mechanicus from the Horus Heresy by Forgeworld. It was a big game (5000 points) so I was able to test most of my units except for the new Kytan daemon engine. Here's my army list which is a...

40k Khorne vs. 30k Admech batrep preview (5000)

I had a great game today with my Khorne Daemonkin allied with Black Legion versus Admech today. A batrep will follow tomorrow. I got to finally test a lot of new units I hadn't used before such as the Greater Brass Scorpion. It was a great game !

Dreadnaught 101

Hey everybody it's your friendly neighborhood Black Blow Fly swinging through your neck of the woods to spread some holiday cheer and mischief ! A lot of people say the dreadnaught is no longer competitive with all the xenos monstrous creatures that are so popular...

1 million hits

The blog reach over one million hits today and that means something to me. I appreciate everyone who stops by... I have seen a lot of people come and go which is invariably the way of life. I have stayed true to my original vow and never used any ads - this is purely...