Day 1 results for BikeStar at ATC

Iron Priest Chukk took down two Stompaz today in close combat ! Overall record at end of day one for BikeStar is 2-1... The one loss was versus the top ranked team Chicago Kamikaze - they are tough. We have our work cut out for us tomorrow.Highlight of the day was the...

ATC 2015 Power Rangers Line Up

BBF: White Scars + Space WolvesChris Adorno (aka Blood Angel 13): Blood AngelsEthan Fork: TauJon Wolf: Imperial Knights + Grey KnightsMarcus Baxley: OrksThere's been several changes to the team over the course of the year leading up to the big event. Awesome One will...

Black Library and Official Rules

If someone showed you an email from the Black Library regarding the rules would you treat it as official - would you go so far as to try to use it at a tournament if it favored your army or to nerf an opponent's army ?

Greg Swanson’s BikeStar Chicago RTT Batreps

Played in approximately twenty person tournament over the weekend run by Alan Bajramovic (otherwise know as Alan Pajama Pants). It was at Everything Games in Buffalo Grove Illinois. Alan had come up with some unique missions where instead of gaining points for...

Hobbytown Team Tourney Wrap Up Report

Yesterday we had a team tournament over in Tampa - eight teams were there with the following armies:1. Space Marines + Space Wolves & Space Marines & Imperial Knight2. Dark Angels & Eldar (Wraithknight)3. Daemons & Daemons + Greater Brass Scorpion4. Tyranids &...