Painting Challenge Finished: Steve Wren

Last night Natalie was out and William was asleep so I settled down to watch Star Wars and finish my entry for the Painting Challenge. I decided to combine the Nurgle Plague Bearer herald with the iconic Chaos Lord model that we were all painting. I didn't want to...

Wood Elf Waywatcher Lord

I finished off a the Wood Elf Waywatcher lord over the weekend.This is a model I had been looking forward to painting for a long time as the pose is so dynamic. It is also massive compared to the other wood elves, especially the Waywatchers.I would say it is not a...

Time Tunnel: 2010 South Coast GT Army

Warboss on WyvernI thought I'd do a little Time Tunnel piece here and show some of the pictures of my first ever tournament army. I'd never been to an event before I went to South Coast GT and this was the army I took. It was a seventh edition event and the army was...

South Coast GT 2015 Review: Games 5 and 6

So, could the dream continue? With only two games remaining it was still unlikely! Game 5 I had moved to the heady heights of table 13, which at any other event would be somewhat irrelevant, but at the South Coast with 200 players this was pretty shocking! I was up...

South Coast GT 2015 Review: Games 3 and 4

Things started to get a little comical around Game 3. I was drawn against Ian Sturgess (he of the 'this list is dreadful, I don't know what i'm doing' mantra) and his High Elves. He had four (or possibly five) nobles and princes all flying around on Eagles, and...