by Paul | Nov 3, 2011
I got together with my cohort Matty in the UK, via email, to put together a buddy project. As this will be a pseudo series over the next couple of weeks, I started it’s own page over there ===========> Or, if you’re too lazy to look, you could always...
by Paul | Sep 16, 2011
Yes, it’s true. I haven’t picked up a paint brush in a few weeks now… That pesky thing called ‘real life’ keeps getting in the way. Inbetween remodelling my bathroom, birthdays, financial/work related stress, consistent travelling to the...
by Paul | Aug 16, 2011
I just finished this chappy tonight. I have to say, I’m pleased with the paint job (although not too pleased how the pictures came out). I painted the pumice sand up onto the bottom of the figure, to give the impression that he’s just burst up from beneath...
by Paul | Aug 10, 2011
Honestly, WTF? Originally I was going to post something about an incantation of Doomrider, which read very much like a Judas Priest song, complete with double entendre lyrics. That was, until I just opened my email now and saw a newsletter from Grim Workshop....