Creativity at its Finest?

 I bet you guys were expecting a post about Dark Angels?  Well maybe next time! Today just a quick post awarding creativity.  Have you ever ordered something from Ebay?  Did that particular item have free shipping as apart of the deal?Well I...

New FAQs: 1/16/2013

What an interesting surprise this morning.  Woke up and found that a new Warhammer 40k faq had been released.  There are some very interesting changes in these FAQs.Foremost, kill ranges are now existent.  Therefore, you can only kill models which are...

Dark Angel Rules Leak

Shamelessly stolen from Faeit 212.  Original article is located here.  I am going to apologize, but I am not going through this article and fixing the numerous grammatical and spelling errors!  Let me know what you guys think. collated by Callum-...

What are the best Warlord Traits for bike armies?

Warlord traits are one of the new additions to sixth edition.  While not game breaking by any means, they do add an interesting dynamic to the way our respective armies work.Even though I have been playing a ton of games, I am still undecided on which chart is...

Color Theory and Eldar Allies

Today I am going to talk about something which has been irking me about allies.  My desire to have an allied contingent that looks good with my other armies while complimenting my main armies.What I am talking about it color theory.While I might not be a person...