Bikers with Eldar Allies Concept List

Very cool dioramaIn my last post, located here, I discussed how Eldar allies (at least how I am approaching them) compliments my current bike list while covering their weaknesses.  It is still a work in progress and needs some work, but at this point in time I am...

What Can Eldar Do For You?

  Foremost, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year filled with plenty of 40k gaming.  2012 has been a crazy year for me, but I am personally going into 2013 very optimistic about the future!  Anyways, down to business.  Recently, I have...

Merry Christmas and Happy Wargaming to You!

You could add blog messages to this...On behalf of the members of this blog, I would like to wish everyone an awesome Christmas (now that we all survived the Mayan Apocalypse) and an amazing new year, filled with plenty of war gaming. Now stop looking at this...

Adepticon Insanity: Are you 4:16?

I read this article the other day and it is hilarious.  I figured it would be worth while to share the love as I experienced this craziness on that fateful day.  It might not tell the whole story, but it gives you an idea of what did happen that day. ...


This is a bike blog... so I am allowed to excited about more bike models!  Not sure how I feel about them.  The flyers and speeders are pretty lame.  The terminators with storm shields and maces is pretty slick.  I am also pretty excited about a...