Food for Thought: Thunderfire Cannon MADNESS!

I have been noticing a distinct trend in various  published Space Marine lists on the web following the launch of 6th edition.Thunderfire Cannons are EVERYWHERE!!!Apparently Thunderfire Cannons have gone from complete trash to the most amazing unit in the...

Clash of Bloggers at Da Boyz 2012

  One of my fellow bloggers, Aaron (hyv3mynd) over at the Mandulian Chapel just posted up a battle report of our game at the tournament.  You guys can read about all of my failed pinning tests and charge checks which happened during this game!  I will...

Attack Bike ATV Inspiration

I came across this cool model during my online 40k escapades today.  I figured that it is so awesome that I would share it with all of you.  Now only if I could find the how to guide to build this monstrosity....Original link is found here.So who wants to...

Legion of the Damned HQs

After actively contributing to the blog the past few days, I realized that I never posted up pictures of my converted HQ characters for my legion of the damned army.  Well it is finally time to unveil them.  First up, Rune Priest converted from the Dark...

Allies: The solution to your 6th ed woes

I would call this part two of a three part discussion.  Improving bikes by utilizing on the table, 6th edition experiences.As I have identified in my previous post: located here. There are several problem areas facing biker army builds. 1) Flying monstrous...