Aaaaaand its gone…

Well I hope all of you who were interested in attending the Adepticon team tournament and the championships got tickets, because they are all gone.  Good thing I set my alarm and reminders so I didn't forget to pick them up!   By my calculation, the...

And I’m off…

With a matter of hours, I will be embarking to my first 6th edition tournament: the Da Boyz GT.  I am pretty excited.  I can't wait to rock out my new army and see if bikes can stand up in this ever changing crazy world of 40k.  Tomorrow (Friday...

LotD Dred Bash

Who is excited for another teaser of my in progress legion of the damned army?The army is practically finished (minus the display board) and it is looking amazing.  I can't wait to finally show it off at Da Boyz this upcoming weekend.This time I am showing of my...