New Space Marine FAQ

New Space Marine FAQ

Pretty self explanatory eh?Two updates to the new Space Marine codex.  If you would like to see them for yourself, they are located here.But in case you have no desire to link jump... here are the massive amounts of changes.1) Bike squads can swap out their bolt...
Grav Weapon Alternative Spotted!

Grav Weapon Alternative Spotted!

Nuke Guns.... Come get some! I don't know about you guys, but on bikes, Grav weapons are very interesting option.  Consistently having relentless in addition to the meta where MCs and 2+ saves are king?  Well, White Scars are about to wreck a riptide fan's...
List Building with the new codex

List Building with the new codex

Evening everyone! So lesson learned... when a new Space Marine codex comes out, be sure to take the day off.  Because I have been bombarded with SM lists, rules confirmations, combos, and pictures of unit entries all day.  All of the discussion...
Thunderfire Cannons have Barrage!

Thunderfire Cannons have Barrage!

At the start of 6th edition, Thunderfire cannons received a massive boost as the classification of artillery changed them from being an armor 10 vehicle to a toughness 7 infantry model.  Well with the new space marine codex right around the corner, it has been...
Codex Space Marine Rumors and thoughts

Codex Space Marine Rumors and thoughts

No... I did not buy this versionIt is only 5 days away from the release of Codex Space Marines: 6th edition and from everything I am reading, the codex is looking very promising.I am not going to bore you with the most up to date and current rumors, but if you are not...