Hopefully they are 100X better then in the previous codex, because this kit is Amazing!! Enjoy! Oh Yeah... here are the other pictures of the new models so far:

New Space Marine Concept Art?

  So.... Who else is excited that codex space marines is coming out next month?!?!?!I know that I am!Instead of sharing all of the rumors which I am sure you have read a million times now, I want to share some concept art with you. Apparently space marines...

Achievement Unlocked!

It is official!  I am finally getting my life back.  How might you ask?  WELL....   As of 04/28/13, I have completed all of the course work for my Master's degree in Security Policy Studies.  HHEEELLLLLL YYYEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!I will...

Choking at Adepticon 2013

I choked during the Adepticon Championships.  Yes, I choked.  I was on the verge of qualifying for the finals and achieving best imperial but apparently, it just wasn't in the cards this year.  How you might ask?  Well let me take you a tale of...

Adepticon 2013

In a matter of hours, registration for Adepticon is slated to begin.  I am pumped about this event.  Catching up with old friends, meeting new ones, partying, gaming, and hopefully winning is what these GTs are all about.  So, Id love to know who all is...