Reinforcements Incoming!

Maybe these internships have gotten to me.... Oh well, nothing like a bit of office humor.Last week my Ebay Fu was strong...  I was able to cheaply acquire some reinforcements for my Legion of the Damned Space Marine army.  In the future (when more money is...

Ravenwing Concept list #2

Epic!  Recently, I have been on somewhat of a Ravenwing army list building kick.  I want to see if I can develop an army that I would be happy with taking to a tournament.  Therefore, this is my latest rendition of the list.  It does have some...

Just Released: Forge World Outriders

For everyone who though Forgeworld Pre-Heresy Jet Bikes were cool... CHECK THESE OUT!The price is a little steep, but they do look pretty cool!  I envision these being apart of a command squad or even a unit of black knights (especially since you can equip them...

More Legion of the Damned!

Hey everyone just a quick update today.I came across some high quality shots of some of the legion of the damned models, which I had painted up by Ninja Garden Studios.  Therefore, why not post them up on the blog?  It will give you guys a better idea of how...

Dark Angels: First Impression (2 of 2)

Employ anti-Tyranid Tactics! This is a guest article by David Cacace, a frequent blog follower and bike enthusiast.  He wanted to share his thoughts about on Dark Angels, specifically Ravenwing. Part one of the series can be found here.::Tactica::- Now more than...