Good Bye White Scars!

It has been an emotional few weeks.   But I wanted to tell everyone that my White Scars army has officially been sold off to an extremely happy bidder. For those who didn't know, I have been in the market to sell off my White Scars army as I have an arguably...

Dark Angels: First Impressions (1 of 2)

This is a guest article by David Cacace, a frequent blog follower and bike enthusiast.  He wanted to share his thoughts about on Dark Angels, specifically Ravenwing.   His bike army is painted up in an Ultramarines Blue.  It looks pretty awesome...

Just Released, the Adepticon FAQ

With the release of 6th edition, the INAT FAQ that I have come to love, was put on the back burner.  The logic being that Games Workshop had been adequately developing new FAQs to answer all of the tricky questions which we have encountered during our games and...

Community Pitch: Team America 40k

Over the past few weeks, I have been working with the members of the American Warhammer 40k ETC in developing their blog and website.  Well, as of yesterday, they have finally been officially released!You can check them out here:For the main website:...

Toldeo Game Room Adepticon Primer: Rounds 2 & 3

 Why not rap up that Saturday battle report in one go?  I am sure you guys have been eagerly waiting for it anyways.  Round one can be found here.  My list can be referenced in the first post.As a reminder, Adepticon primer rules can for the...