Toledo Gameroom Adepticon Primer: Round 1

Dameon Green was not the only one to play in a tournament the weekend of February 9-10th...The Toledo Game Room was having a 2 day, Adepticon Primer event.  Saturday, would be the single player championship style event.  On Sunday, would be the two player...

Severe Weather Sharp Claw Rules

Retrieved from DakkadakkaHow about that generic non-copywrited name?  It is awesome.  After a long weekend, the real rules are finally starting to come out for the Severe Weather Sharp Claw and its larger cousin Severe Weather Black Bird.  I should...

Coming Soon: Aliens Colonial Marines

Yeah, this may be a 40k blog, but I am sure a lot of you enjoy video games as much as I do.  I am getting very pumped for the release of Aliens Colonial Marines in just over a week (February 12th in the states).  Yes, I have all ready talked to my wife about...

TSHFT Winning Ravenwing List

  Some of you may or have may not heard, but a Ravenwing bike army recently went 5-0 at a major tournament on the West Coast.  The Event was TSHFT and apparently he beat necrons, chaos, and nids among other armies.  Perhaps it was luck, perhaps it was...

Storm Ravens in Codex Space Marines?

Rumor has it that there is a new flyer supplement coming out in the near future.  However, if we read into the rumors some more, there is a very interesting development in codex Space Marines.  Keep in mind these are ultimately rumors and not...