Warhammer Fantasy and Specialist Games stuff up for sale

Who else popped their gamingcherry with a Specialist Game?It's only been 6 months since I've last posted here. While I could clean the cobwebs and watch tumbleweed roll past I'm just going to dive straight into it. I've got plenty of Specialist Games stuff lying...

DA Codex Follow-up: No Cypher.

Unlike Tom Cruise, the Dark Anglesare now out of the closet with their new book.Well I've got my hands on Codex Dark Angels and having flicked through it quickly I've seen that there is no Cypher in the list anywhere. Sorry for getting your hopes up by the way. He...

New DA Cypher’s rules leaked (en Espagnol)

This will be a quick one from me. Pics and rules have finally started to emerge of the units in the DA book and one of them is none other than the dual-pistol-wielding Master of Something, Cypher. I'm glad to see him back in the game, even if I dislike the Dark Angels...

I owe the National Newspapers of Ireland €1000. Allegedly.

My gold. MineI've enjoyed the Christmas break and hopefully you have too. Having lined up an article about the other game systems I'm playing at the moment and how much I hate my xbox, I was completely blown away by something I read online. A friend passed this to me...

Blood Angels: Synchronise!

Some of Burkhardt's Blood Angels. They're much nicer than yours. And mine.As Duncan will tell you, this article is late. Like, really late. No, it isn't a crude reference to Blood Angels bleeding profusely and suffering from insanity for 5 days a month: nor is...