Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Batrep 300 points!

Hello all and welcome to my very first battle report for the Fantasy Flight game, Star Wars: X-Wing! Sorry in advance, the photos are a bit limited do to over excitement at the idea and the fact that its 300, yes, you read that right, 3 holy crap hundred points of...

Star Wars X-Wing – Rebel Aces A-Wing Preview

Fantasy flight has decided to show us some more of the new Rebel Aces, sadly, its just the A-Wings as this time. Will these updates help bring an underused ship into a more prominent role? lets find out! First we see the guy previewed last time, Jake Ferrell. Still...

Star Wars X-Wing Wave 5 preview

Seriously, does the Hype train even have brakes? With wave 4 on the edge of release, Fantasy Flight throws out Wave 5! Weirdly enough though, its only 2 ships. Just a taste of things to come or we finally hitting that wall of what the original Star Wars can offer?...

Star Wars X-Wing TIE Phantom Preview

And we end the wave 4 previews with the TIE Phantom. All I can say about this ship so far, least with first impressions, is “Wow...wait….what?”  What do I mean by that? Well, read on and lets discuss shall we?  Taking a quick look at the movement dial we can...

SW X-Wing: GR-75 Transport & Epic Format ‘Review’

Epic Format. New GR-75. Lots of fancy new things in the world of X-Wing. They worth your time? They worth playing? Lets take a look at all these new goodies and see shall we? Also a special thanks goes to Chuck Stocky and Andrew Young for helping me play this new...