Star Wars X-Wing: E-Wing Preview

Super Kaiju here again with another Fantasy Flight reveal!  This time its the Rebels super advanced fight the E-Wing! Lets see what this baby can do, shall we? First thing we’ll notice that in the long running tradition of Rebels the ships aren’t cheap. But...

Star Wars X-Wing – Cloaking & Decloaking

Sweet, Fantasy Flight has revealed exactly how Cloaking would work in X-Wing. Yes, I realize this has been out for a bit so I’m a little late to the game but I figured I’d give it some time, for a few reasons. 1, I wanted to see if it was a hoax or not. Given how...

Star Wars X-Wing – TIE Defender Preview

The TIE Defender. A ship released just before the battle of Endor, it was leagues above prior models and was more than a match for the Rebel ships, easily performing maneuvers and bring firepower they just couldn't handle. And from what I’m told in the TIE Fighter...

Star Wars X-Wing Headhunter Preview

Snap Fantasy Flight is throwing more scrapes to the hungry hype dogs and this time it’s on the Headhunter, a ship I’m very much looking forward too. First thing shown here is the movement dial. If my memory serves me, they never showed this before, so that’s...

Star Wars X-Wing – Store Championship Report

Another day another tournament here at FTW Games (the home of Spikey Bits), and this day we're talking about Star Wars X-Wing Store Championships! Ten people showed up and after Three hard fought rounds we found ourselves a winner in Shane McRoberts, who went...