Star Wars X-Wing: GR-75 Rebel Transport Preview!

Somehow during my looking through the last few teasers and leaks for the upcoming ships, a part of me never noticed there wasn’t to much shared about the large ships outside of leaks. Imagine my surprise that Fantasy Flight throws out a look at the new GR-75... and...

Star Wars X-Wing: Imperial Ace Pilots

Awhile back Fantasy Flight revealed their new expansion for the Empire by not adding a new ship, but by giving an existing ship more options. Not only that but a fresh paint job and 2 per box for the convenient price of...well, the same price you'd pay for 2 regular...

Star Wars X-Wing: Need an Easy & Free Builder?

Here is an article I wanted to write for a bit but wasn't sure if i could. Let's take a quick look and promote a site some might know, Void state. You can find the site right here. For those who don't know, Void state is a free to use X-Wing squad builder. And...

Star Wars X-Wing: Leaked Rules for the Large Ships.

Oh lordy lord. Even more leaks! This time about the rules for the new giant ship stuff. And let me be the first say yet again, WHY CAN’T WE GET BETTER PICTURES HERE?! Other than that, lets take a look. First and foremost these babies aren't in scale. Which in my...
Star Wars X-Wing: GR-75 Rebel Transport leak!

Star Wars X-Wing: GR-75 Rebel Transport leak!

Oh boy oh boy it's a thing! A new thing! Involving ships!Well, just another leaked picture thing, this time of the new GR-75 Rebel Transport. Rolls right off the tongue doesn't it?And what does this little picture tell us? Well, High quality pictures are never used...