Star Wars X-Wing: B-Wing Review

Star Wars X-Wing: B-Wing Review

And now that the new wave three ships have been out and about for a bit, lets start talking about them and whether they're worth your time and effort. This won't be like my older 'reviews' as I've discussed all the upgrades and pilots and all those goodies during the...
Star Wars X-Wing: New Interceptors Closer Look

Star Wars X-Wing: New Interceptors Closer Look

And once again I find myself at a lost of any ideas to write about without resorting to laziness and Fantasy Flight once again provides! But this time, all i can say is, wha? Just announced, new Imperial Aces! For 30 bucks, you can get a pack of 2 Tie Interceptors...
Star Wars X-Wing: Playing the New Ships

Star Wars X-Wing: Playing the New Ships

If there's one thing X-Wing has taught me, its that it's going to making me eat my words over and over. First I said Han was kind of poopy, then it comes back to destroy me and become a meta list. A few other things as well have crossed my mind but for the life...
Star Wars X-Wing Tactics: Wedge Antilles

Star Wars X-Wing Tactics: Wedge Antilles

With things slowing down and all that jazz in the world of X-wing while we all eagerly await Wave 3 (which was, maybe, delayed in the UK, sorry), I think I'll use this time and be lazy. Time to look at all the older pilots and see if they're worth using! And like i...

Star Wars X-Wing- More B-Wing Tie Bomber Previews

Oh snap! Fantasy Flight is previewing more stuff! And here i thought it would have died down till release, showed me! Some more B-wing goodness and now some stuff on the Tie Bomber, as well as one little thing on the Lamba. Lets dig into this preview and see what we...