Star Wars X-Wing Wave 3 Tactica: Lambda Shuttle

With Wave 3 looming closer and closer Fantasy Flight Games have released some more information on the new shuttle ships, the Lambda-class Shuttle and the HWK-290 'Moldy Crow' Expansions. New pilots and new co-pilots. Lets take a quick gander at the stuff that they say...

Star Wars X-wing Tactica- Howlrunner list

Welcome one and all once again to another riveting tale into the world of Star Wars: X-wing and Kaiju Space Works! Or something...Regardless today I'll be bringing you another little list that has a major Regional Victory under its belt. An Imperial list this time...

Star Wars: X-Wing Tactica- Han Shot First!

If there's one universal rule of Star Wars that everyone can agree on, Jar Jar sucks. BUT besides that the other is Han shot first! A name given to a very very nasty list that been seen going around the tournament realm of Star Wars: X-wing. And...

Star Wars: X-Wing Tactica The Black Squadron

Greetings and welcome back to another riveting and informative episode of KAIJU SPACEWORKS! This time around we're going to go to the Imperial Empire side of things to take a look at a very nasty little list that was created by my friend Ben (featured in my...

Star Wars X-Wing Tactica- Flying w/ Swarm Tactics

Super Kaiju here to discuss all those fancy little upgrades you can throw on your X-wing ships. Today's topic will be something that I love and use very much, Swarm Tactics. Is it good? Well, I just said I love it you tell me! First off for just 2 simple points...