Mantis Warriors

 I'm back from an extended stumble around the Balkan States.  Its a fascinating part of the world that I had low familiarity with.  It was an amazing time, I got a lot of great new ideas to work with, and my Romanian is getting closer to being...

Forward Base Unboxing

Just in time for the Holidays our Forward Base Kickstarter  pledge arrived from Antenocitis Workshop! Which leads directly to an experiment with unboxing video ... and to a serious attempt to correctly spell Antenocitis! This was one of the Forward Base +...

Oi Ladz! Dat’s me leg!

 Finally wrapping these guys up!  This was a project interrupted often due to a move of house from Germany to Romania... and I just got word that next year I'm headed to Alaska...  Yeee HAW!  I'm getting whiplash here! Anyway here are those...

Moving in!

 Testing a new blogging app for posting on the go... a little late in the moving process to be sure but hey! Im having trouble moving pictures around and resizing them is a bit tricky as well.  I'll have to see if I can work round that... Most likely it's...