A Tale of Two Ravens part 2. and some TGG 2 freebies

 Raven the Chainbreaker.  Iconic Freedom fighter of the Jailbirds.  This model is in a great pose that such screams rage and rebellion. Here they are in both scales... heroic 28mm and 54 mm.I've depicted her armed with silver ammunition and blessed...

Vending machines and mail boxes scatter/objective markers

  Scatter really brings life to a table and a game.  I decided to work on some Vending Machines and mailboxes I got from Armor Cast about a year ago.  It then occurred to me that they might also make really good objective markers so I also numbered them...

Daughters of the Crucible TGG2

Daughters of the CrucibleCommunication with the colony of Rorschach IV had been lost months ago and the Sisters of Eternal Mercy had dispatched the Daughters of the Crucible to find out why.  It was now clear that it had fallen victim to the predations of Void...