Iron Empire Mecha Lance goes operational

 The last of the Iron Empire Mecha comes online completing the Ushabti Honor Guard for my Necrontyr.These great models took a bit of getting used to but I'm more confident in the construction method now and the other faction Mecha should be a lot easier to...

Iron Empire Mecha 2 and Mantic Musings

What's better than an Iron Empire Mecha?Why two Iron Empire Mechas!  The second of three rolled off the line today after some major construction mishaps.... I managed to drop the thing during assembly and accidentally batted it across the room while trying to...

The first Iron Empire Mecha strides into action!

 I'm back from an extended vacation with the family.  It was a blast, and I even got to play a lot of games, but I've been itching to get back to painting so... here we go!Before I took off I'd almost finished the first of three Iron Empire Mecha.  Its...

Iron Empire Mecha WiP and some Carneval in action

I have some family visiting which has slowed down the painting... quite a lot!  But, on the flip side, I've been able to get in an initial game of Carnevale... so that's a bonus!Here you see the Mecha in the Iron Empire Cream and Purple colors... at least that's...