On the road again

We've finally got a destination... Germany!  I'm packing up the toys for the big move so it'll be All Quiet on the Miniature Hobby Front until I get landed and sorted!  Realistically I'll probably be very spotty painting, much less posting, until August......

Nertha the Faceless Mother and Foxy Dynamite

 Its getting to crunch time where I have to start packing up the minis and the tools for the upcoming move to .... an unknown destination!  Still no word on where we're going... only that we are going somewhere soon!  At any rate that meant trying to...

Reaper Frost Giant Royals a Tardis and the Hammer MK 2

 I've wandered back into RPG figures with this pair of Frost Giants from the Reaper Bones Kickstarter.   Boerogg Blackrime, Frost Giant Jarl and Svetlana, Frost Giant Princess.Like the other minis from the first Bones KS these are made of a material...