Deep Cut Studios mats and Tabletop World Village Progress

 I got a couple of tubes in the mail yesterday from Deep Cut Studios with some really cool looking cobblestone print vinyl game mats. I was pretty jazzed to see them so I pulled out the TTW buildings and slid them around the mats just to see how it...

Reaper Bones I Fire Giant Warrior and Bones II arrives

 A Fire Giant Warrior from the Reaper Bones I Kickstarter.  Hot colors, of course, from Vallejo Scrofulous Brown through Reaper Master Series Yellow Triad, Fire Triad, Vallejo Skin tones in the rosa range, and a little GW technical Blood Red.I primed these...

Darksword’s Harbinger

 Darksword's Harbinger is a really beautiful mini.  I don't paint many stand alone figures, which is something my friend Tanya B thought I should correct... and I agree!...but... I couldn't resist working Harbinger into the background fluff for mt TGG...

Malice RPG: Tombs of the Dark Sun – Starter Set

 So... technically this is really a WiP.  For two reasons actually.  First... the very cool Tombs of the Dark Sun - Starter Set is not yet complete.  I finished the floors and several of the wall sections are well along the way.... actually I...

Raging Heroes Jailbird Troops

So I finally gelled on troop themes...  I'm still shooting for the refugee army thing but the troops ended up being slightly more uniformed than I remembered.   Its OK though as they have a lot of personality and the variety from the ball joint style...