Mixed Stone Ruin Process

 After working for a long time in the Greystone Village format I started thinking that I needed some other complimentary stone colors to liven the place up!This is a step by step of the process used to get to the end state you see on the left.  This is...

Forward Base: Habitat 5 WiP part 2

Today sees the construction of the main structure. But first a little more painting of panels and resin bits.A few of the vent panels were not laser cut so were painted in while painting the punched out vents and their resin replacements/additions. All the vents,...

Forward Base: Habitat 5 – The Workshop WiP

Forward Base: Habitat 5 - The WorkshopHabitat 5 is a workshop with two vehicle bays that should be an early structure for a new outpost.The kit is from the Forward Base Kickstarter by Antenocitis' Workshop and this one includes the resin upgrade as well as the other...

RoC Chaos Dwarf Whirlwind

This guy accompanied many a Chaos Horde into battle in the 80s. The model was showing its age and I thought I'd do some touch ups, rebase it and generally do some long neglected maintenance.  Lets call him Hagar.First things first... Hagar needed to be removed...

Common Goblins

In spite of the name the common goblin is the scourge of many a fantasy realm.  I though it was fitting to muse about the GW version which may be the most common goblin of all!After painting the horde of Night Goblins from The Battle of Skull Pass I found some...