Secret Weapon Rapid Assault Vehicle joins the Jailbirds

 Today the Jailbirds get some support from Secret Weapon in the form of their 6x6 wheeled Rapid Assault Vehicle (RAV).This will fulfill the primary "Tank" role for the Jailbirds in keeping with the plan to field them as a Light/Medium weight force with a largely...

Tarja and Shashenka: Kurganova Yagas

 So.. here I was painting up Tarja and Shashenka, two of the Kurganova Yagas,  when I was inspired (probably by the very personality driven sculpts) to write up a bit of background fluff to guide me on my themes!  So.. here are Tarja and Shashenka and a...

Tabletop World Building of the Week: Cottage

  The cottage is really the basic building that you'd have on the outskirts of town.  I imagine the townhouses to occupy the area clustered around the Marktplatz.So here is another one to tour with today's scale guide "Wilhelm". The 20mm bases on these...

Spirit Host and a Secret Weapon WIP

Continuing the excursion into hard plastics with a Spirit Host from Games Workshop.These, like many of the newer plastics, are fanciful and very ambitious models that take full advantage of the great properties of hard plastic.  They are also a really fast paint...