Raging Heroes Jailbirds: Punky

 Today three iterations of Punky rally the Jailbirds!The refugee army theme continues with Punky sporting the Bloody Red banners of revolution!Each unit has a different emblem on a blood red field. As usual these are not really uniformed but are a collection...

Raging Heroes Jailbird: Cruz, Heavy Gunner

 Getting back to the TGG Kickstarter backlog with a couple of iterations of Cruz... one for each weapon option as per usual.Cruz is from wave one... I've got Punky in progress and then will have to slip some wave two goodness into the queue.  Cruz is taking...

Tabletop World Bulding of the Week: Mansion

 Happy New Year!Managing to sneak in just under the wire we have the brand new Mansion from Tabletop World.I've been running a building a week for a while but this monster took two weeks!  Actually the Holiday season slows me down for a bit but still this...

Raging Heroes Wave 2 Arrives in time for the Holidays!

 First the happy picture!  A couple hundred of the Toughest Girls in the Galaxy laid out for inventory!  The box also included some of the very cool mantis warriors that will very likely be cross dressing as daemonettes... yummy!Now the scary...

Bretonnian Sorceress, WiPs and more!

Once upon a time this blog was almost entirely GW related. Certainly there were a few major excursions into games like Flames of War that had no real GW equivalent but here lately just about all I've worked on has been from Non GW sources...  I haven't even been...