Tabletop World Merchant Goods

Tabletop World Merchant Goods

Lets just get this out of the way... Tabletop world makes great stuff!   Here is an example.  These are the 'Merchant Goods' package that I added to my order of the 'Merchant Shop'.  Wow!  its a really big assortment of highly detailed goods... the...
Hilda Von Stroheim and Volks Ayanami Rei 1/4 Bust

Hilda Von Stroheim and Volks Ayanami Rei 1/4 Bust

 The Ladies Hilda Von Stroheim from the Raging Heroes TGG Kickstarter shown here in primary and alternate builds.  A very imperious pose suitable for a Force Commander. This would make a good Death Korps of Krieg Artillery Commander 'counts as' ...
Iron Empire line up

Iron Empire line up

Just a quick post about sizes.  I'm still sorting through boxes so have no Imperial Guard or regular Space Marines to compare so here is a line up with Eldrad, Jinx, Drusilla, FW Death Guard Terminator, and Mortaria. I'll do more apples to apples comparisons...
Sky Captain Drusilla and Ayanami Rei WiP

Sky Captain Drusilla and Ayanami Rei WiP

Sky Captain Drusilla is the Kickstarter only commander of the Iron Empire's Jet Girls.  I wanted to maintain the IE color scheme but lean towards a Rocketeer style look.  To this end I went with raw leather flight harness, gloves, boots, and mask/cap. I...
Iron Empire mascot – Jinx

Iron Empire mascot – Jinx

Today is a short update featuring just Jinx. Jinx is one of the TGG Kickstarter Mascots.  An Egyptian themed cat with a lot of attitude. Its larger than a house cat more like a Jaguar in scale though all the harness and jewelry give it a strangely...