Temporary Military Command Centre

This is from Antenocitis' Workshop (AW)survival line and is described on the website as "Temporary Military Command Centre" but is also described in the kit as "Military Office". Whichever handle it goes by it Makes a handy addition to the Post Apocalypse...

Malifaux: Avatar of Vengeance

Avatar of Vengeance Continuing the tidy up of models that were started but never finished,  mostly due to packing up and moving house something like 14 times in the past 25 years... but also due to the occasional attack of  squirrel syndrome, I knocked...

Gloomhaven Starting Characters and some treasure chests

Being anxious to explore the enormous Gloomhaven board game it was time to knock out the characters that are initially available to play.Also migrated into this are a couple of treasure chests from Mantic's Kings of War Strategies and Objectives set.  I think...


 RWBY: COMBAT READY is a board game that I have not played... it looks super abstract but I'll eventually get round to giving it a go.I am enamored of the RWBY anime and totally bought the game to mine it for minis... forgetting that they *might not* be in a...