Sleep Box Sleep for Cheap in the Undertown!

 Sleep Box!This is a single piece resin cast from Antenocitis Workshop.Sleep Box is a street-side, automated, place to crash for the night with a capacity for two people.  You can easily put one in a standard parking space.I decided to go with a warm yellow...

Archaica Schola Wargaming shop opens in the Undertown!

 I'm so excited to show you Archaica Schola Wargaming a new 28mm MDF kit from Antenocitis Workshop!This is the stock kit plus the upgrade pack with a few additional decals added but otherwise straight out of the box.  No painting or weathering was...

A-Z Mart Pristine and Weathered

 The pristine version of the A-Z Mart from Antenocitis Workshop.I've some models from Mantic Games Star Saga here for scale.The pristine version differs in a few details from the weathered version so there is a side by side look at them a bit farther...

Let there be light! The Undertown illuminated.

The Undertown has lights in the form of LED Keychain Torches blutacked to the ceilings.  These provide about 12 continuous hours of illumination.  The batteries are replaceable but it may be cheaper to just replace the whole torch when as required. I got...

A-Z Mart (Weathered)

The first building out of the gate for the Post Apocalypse terrain set is the A-Z Mart (weathered) from the "Survival" line over at Antenocitis' WorkshopThis is a super cool model with great details and a lot of playable interior space. In addition to the usual...