Data Trust interior details

 The interior resin details are done for the Data Trust.I replaced the little searchlight that I had scratch built to use as a grip for removing the roof with a resin and metal drone control and coms array.  The dish antennas may prove tricky in the long run...

Undertown Table progress and Post Apoc scatter

The current state of the Undertown Table. I've mislaid the LED lights so am skipping them for now as they will be an easy retrofit. The Data Trust is not pictured here as its currently getting the interior resins done. This is for Sci-Fi settings like...

Modern and Post Apocalyptic vehicle wrecks and trash bins

 While the ubiquitous ruins frequently found on my table, and the tables of almost ever 40K player, can do great service as Post Apocalypse terrain I have just begun generating a more genre specific set primarily for use with Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, Gamma...

Whiskey Jacks interior

 Whiskey Jacks got a face-lift this week  as part of the big retrofit of interior resin bits courtesy of a mislabeled box in my workshop.  The unfortunate bit is that I was also expecting to find led lights for the interiors of these and they were not...

Undertown Flats… the interior spaces…

 The interior resin for the Undertown Flats from Antenociti's Workshop are installed. These are from the Undertown Kickstarter and I believe the models have since been redesigned to replace the resin components with MDF and printed graphics. ...