Bretonnian Peasant Archer Units – Finished. #steakbet

The two units of Bretonnian archers have been completed and assembly of the Pegasus Knights is imminent. I will someday actually set up a better photo lab so that my highlights can actually be seen in pictures I take. Grr...anyway - where are some images. The...

Bretonnian Peasant Archers WIP #steakbet

Nothing fancy, just a quick pre-wash WIP for the 2 units of 16 Peasant archers I'm working on as the babies sleep.  32 peasent archers have been base-coated and it irritates me that I used over 25 different colors on these guys and I haven't even gotten to...

Wood Elves – Sisters of Twilight WIP

Just finished assembly, only took 9 months.  Should be finished with the set in about 18 years.When you get it, you'll think it's clever too.May I present my daughters Parker Aileen Kersey and her sister Teagan Aurora Kersey.  My little Wood Elves in the...

Bretonnian Men-at-arms finished – #steakbet

Just finished this unit of Bretonnian men-at-arms.  I seriously need to get a display photography studio set up so that I don't have to use flash to make my pictures appear visible.  It totally washes out the colors and degrades the over all effect of the...