Bretonnian – Knights of the Realm Unit 2 – WIP part deux

Finished another rank of the 2nd unit of Knights of the Realm.  Soon I hope to be finished with the two KoTR units and moving on to the trebuchets.Quick update pics!Next updates will hopefully be an Eldar Unit Spotlight and a review of the Horus Heresy: Betrayal.

Character Creation in the Iron Kingdoms Roleplaying Game

Character Creation in the Iron Kingdoms Roleplaying Game When you sit down to create a character in the Iron Kingdoms game setting, the process for character generation is both quick and easy.  The designers did a great job of streamlining what could have been an...

Knights of the Realm Unit 2 – WIP

Here's a brief update showing some WIP shots of the second unit of Knights of the Realm in my Bretonnian army.  This unit is modeled after the Gisoreux duchy and as you can see I'm 4/9ths done!Anyway here are the WIP's, I've got notes to prepare for tonight's...

Knights of the Realm Unit 1 – Completed!

Having completed my first unit of Knights of the Realm, I am pleased that I am finally pegging down how I want to army to be painted.  It took a few tries to finally figure out how I wanted to apply highlights and layers but I am confident that the next unit of...

Preferred Enemies – Sepulchral Stalkers

This installment of Preferred Enemies will deal with the Special choice for the Tomb Kings army, the Sepulchral Stalkers.  The ancient sentinels of Nehekhara, the Sepulchral Stalkers were created to guard the borders of the Tomb Kings realm and defend its...