5 Minute History: Adeptus Mechanicus Organization

5 Minute History: Adeptus Mechanicus Organization

OrganizationFabricator-GeneralRouge Trader Tech Adept - Artist UnknownThe Fabricator-General of Mars is the leader of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and as the Magos Mechanicus is also the head of its Cult Mechanicus. He also invariably holds a position on the High Lords of...
Gaming: The Importance of Deployment

Gaming: The Importance of Deployment

Its the deployment that got me, how many times have you said that? As you can see in the picture I had everything bunched up on the right side and nothing in the middle / left sides. My opponent he ran up a landraider and once I dealt with the terminators he had...

Banners, Chaplains & Commissions

A few months ago JJ over at "How to lose at 40k" put up an offer, make him a banner for his website and he would paint up a mini in trade. After a few emails back and forth I managed to meet his expectations and create a banner design he was happy with. For my mini I...

Was ist der Boogeyman?

My last article gave rise to some questions about the concept of the boogeyman, and yes – for you readers in England we did add an extra O to the word! So, what is a boogeyman? In its most basic form a boogeyman is simply a shiny object used to attract attention. A...

Independence Day 2013: Facts and Stuff

1.) We Are Not a Democracy: People often associate democracy with freedom. We hear this word used all the time by our politicians, by our neighbors, even sometimes by our educators. But the fact is we are not a democracy. We are a republic. Our Founding Fathers deemed...