Dark Eldar Warriors

Here with a small update, A few months back, I started working on my Dark Eldar. After some thought, I have decided to not do a full army of these guys, but instead do a small allied force to go with my planned Night Lords army. As the Night Lords will be terminator...

How to paint Dark Angels

Here it is! After much work on the part of Fabalah, who does all the photos, the next tutorial is finally up. I would also like to extend a warm welcome to Eye of Error, a new member of the Artisan Alliance. So let’s get started! Here are all the paints I used...

Talos Valcoran, the Soul Hunter.

Here he is! After a lot of work, Talos is finally finished. I have plans to do all of First Claw, and up next is Cyrion. I spent a long time getting the pose right, and I am very happy with how he came out. I am also very pleased with the blue and the lightning, as I...

Night Lords Typography Wallpaper

I know it’s not the tutorial some of you have been waiting for, but I found this and I had to share this. This is a lovely Night Lords wallpaper by the very talented Fabalah, who also built this site. I think this is a very cool example of the different places...

Deathwing and Winter Guard progress.

Hey folks, Over the course of the past week or so, I have been chugging through some miniatures. The first item on my list is to finish up a squad of Deathwing Terminators. I am painting these up for a friend of mine, and making a tutorial out of them at the same...