Games Workshop Stock Market Watch November 2022

Games Workshop Stock Market and Investment news for November 2022, including dividends, annual reports, board changes. The post Games Workshop Stock Market Watch November 2022 appeared first on The Blood of Kittens Network.

How our Grimdark Henry Cavill Future Got Here!

The story of how Henry Cavill was the key to bringing the Warhammer 40k universe to the big and small screen. The post How our Grimdark Henry Cavill Future Got Here! appeared first on The Blood of Kittens Network.

Bland before the Holidays: Warhammer 40k Tournament Results

Top army lists from the 7 large ITC Warhammer 40k Tournaments from the past weekend, and the 7th Week using the newest Balanced Data Sheet The post Bland before the Holidays: Warhammer 40k Tournament Results appeared first on The Blood of Kittens Network.

Mixed Meta Bag: Warhammer 40k Tournament Results

Top army lists from the 10 large ITC Warhammer 40k Tournaments from the past weekend, and 6th Week Using the new Balanced Data Sheet The post Mixed Meta Bag: Warhammer 40k Tournament Results appeared first on The Blood of Kittens Network.