Flame Wars : Star Wars Fans

Star Wars is one of the most celebrated and most influencial franchise in history.It a rival to christianity in sheer amount of followers and hype.We all saw how much hype is unleashed when Disney prepared the world for Episode VII.In this horrible and stupid blog...


Wat?Wat?WAT?Update : 25.01.2017I'm a frog.Ribbity-ribbidy MotherfuckerUpdate : 23.01.2017Welcome to Innsmouth, have a nice lynching."I once ate fish. It stopped moving after the third bite."Go Trump go! Show em who's the boss!Lovecraft stole the Mind Flayers from the...

Got Shilled: Dawn of War 3

Hey everyone, thanks for joining me with this amazing segment of my blog.Today I want to talk about the upcoming Dawn of War III video game.This game looks amazing right off the bat. The graphics are top quality and reminded me of many good titles such as...

RearView : Underhell

This segment of the show is called "RearView". TA DAAA! Why is it called rearview? Because I usually review really old stuff that nobody cares about.Q: Why review old things that nobody gives shit about?A: Because I have a mission! To the mankind! I promised that I...

A Day To Remember

Would you ever had such a day that broke all your perception of the logical world for one day. Where you feel like that you are finally free and also scared of the future to come? Was there ever such days in your life when you realised how intengible your life...