by taualfacs | Mar 6, 2016
I'm pissed that mechanicum have wooden rifles that look like WHFB weapons.These are WHFB skaven riflersAnd this one is a WHFB Empire Engineer with a rifle.Wooden stock rifles are really old rifles(Pre-WW2) or muskets.Or they're expensive game rifles that show status...
by taualfacs | Mar 6, 2016
Santa fighting against aliens from outer space.Santa saviouring your pretty ass from the alien menace that trouble the earth.RIP Santa (1990-2030)
by taualfacs | Mar 1, 2016
Archer (1920x1080)Never Ending (1920x1080)
by taualfacs | Feb 23, 2016
Naphtali 62nd Armour DivisionAfter being seperated to deal with the Ork forces within the Echtesia hive cluster, once again the armour division united to fight against the Orks.
by taualfacs | Feb 8, 2016
I hope you have some prozacus with you.