by taualfacs | Dec 9, 2015
Battle of WallfireI made this map for some reason. Let's have a quick FAQ to clear things out:Q: Why did you made this map?A: I don't know.Q: Are you ever going to finish it?A: Not a chance.Q: Do you plan to do anything with your life before you die?A: Nope.
by taualfacs | Dec 6, 2015
Idagenia 'Hive' Regulars -7th RegimentIdagenia 'Wallfire' Regulars -222nd RegimentIdagenia 'Gubernatorial' Regulars -15thNaphtali Brigadiers 62nd RegimentAdi Balhareth Raiders 9th Regiment
by taualfacs | Dec 3, 2015
Idagenia 'Hive' Regulars -7th Regiment Idagenia 'Hive' regulars were tasked with scouting the hive cluster and defending the citizens in need. They were wiped out after the Orks breached inside the hive cluster. Their cheap gear is...
by taualfacs | Oct 21, 2015
Emperor's Spear Chapter deploy to Pleasure World of Echtesia as the newly formed Squad Extus.Check out the storyline at clickity-click.hef-fe
by taualfacs | Oct 12, 2015
The Emperor's Spears are a Loyalist Space Marine Chapter founded from the Ultramarines at an undetermined founding. Overview of Chapter Data Cover of 'Pierce their Soul' Tactical Squad TempesYou can check out the storyline at clickity-clickI took this...