Call of Chaos final and more

So I finished my Call of Chaos final. After that it's time for 2013 B&C Librarium Painting Challenge! Here goes:None Call of Chaos update:6 Plasma Gunners for my Nurgle Angels4 Mark of Nurgle SpawnsNurgle Chaos Lord on Bike (Needs a base and a Nurgling on his...

Call Of Chaos Update December

So here is the December update for Call of Chaos. 7cultists ready for highlights, my lord based. Then I also have my 6 Plasmagunner Plague Marines ready for highlights and basing. Only need backpacks for them. Runepriest is also based.My Aegis Defence line is painted...

Dark Angels are coming!

Yeah like most of the people know the Dark Angels coming to town in January. I'm looking forward to this because they will be the codex I will play my Black Templar Wing with. 2 land raiders are for sure in that list filled up with terminators! If a librarian...

Call of Chaos Update December Month

Damn time flies when you are having fun! Am I having fun? Yeah, a little bit. Tomorrow last day of work going to be hectic as always. But let's not get distracted!! A positive thing about the last day of work is that I will have 2 weeks of vacation ahead of me! I'll...

Inspiration: Death Guard army

Let's do a few posts where I get my inspiration. Just to inspire you folks out there also.I get my inspiration from alot of things. Books, music, movies and of course forums with awesome threads! One of that threads is the Death Guard Warband Showcase from...