

So after Dark Eldar the speculations are that we are going to have Blood Angels! The Angels are back! Not this kind of Angels.If we see what the Space Wolves brought I’m hoping Blood Angels get some fast hard hitting unit that has T5 and two/three wounds. Let’s hope...
Daemon Princes

Daemon Princes

So let’s sit down and talk some daemon prince stuff. I love the big guys. They are fun to build and there are some nice conversion out there. One of my favorite is done by GuitaRasmus. His Nurgle Daemon Prince and his Obliterator Daemon Prince. Just look and all the...
40k EVENT Replay – Albion

40k EVENT Replay – Albion

Saturday 13th september in Kortrijk it was time for a local tournament. 1850 points, almost everything allowed! A ‘civil’ list and lots of funky maelstrom missions. We had some folks from Gent coming to play there. They brought some non-civil list but still it was a...
Being possesed by painting

Being possesed by painting

Poor Kitten So with the girlfriend gone for three evenings last week I had some painting time. What was finished? Well 3 heralds on a disc, one herald on foot, 3 screamers of tzeentch to be summoned, 8  screamers of tzeentch to form the screamer star and 2...
Diabolic Duo’s on a Wednesday

Diabolic Duo’s on a Wednesday

On September the 6th the guys in Sint Niklaas, HQ Gaming Club, held a doubles tournament. Diabolic Duo’s! Each player brought 750 points of army or could choice to take one main army and one allied army. I went with Kobe Keymeulen, we named our self ‘The Imp and the...