by Teku | Apr 16, 2013
Sunday 14th april it was 12th conflict in Aarschot. The 12th time Team Conectr organized this tournament and I had another great time. The missions they had where the same. My army wasn't! Last Time I brought Blood Angels this time it was Chaos Space Marines. Most...
by Teku | Apr 2, 2013
So, it's been from february that I wrote something. I've been to two tournaments and one training day since that. The Green Knight Doubles Tournament was a succes as the guys from The Green Knight allways do a great job.Blight Drone in actionHad some great but tough...
by Teku | Feb 17, 2013
So it's been some time since is posted something. If have been painting a little Nurgle Daemon army. For when the Chaos Daemons codex is comes out. Also went to a Double Tournament in the French area of Belgium. Belgica Hiver 2012! I went with my Chaos Space...
by Teku | Feb 7, 2013
So let's see what have I done the past week? All that hard work finally comes to an end. It almost comes to an end! 5months to go! But now some painting pictures: The Nurgle gang togetherThe purple dude represent the sergeantWhat did I paint? Well I built 7...
by Teku | Jan 22, 2013
So last Sunday there was a Double Tournament in Leuven. We had to drive through the snow to get there. Was my first time during a snow "storm" and I must say It was a weird experience. Always looking out hoping the driver next to you doesn't start spinning. About the...