Blog Wars 7 – a Weemans overview (with lots of pics)

Blog Wars 7 – a Weemans overview (with lots of pics)

So Blog Wars 7 “Retribution” has come and gone and with it the fretting and playtesting of lists (I did neither) and last minute painting (I did quite a bit of that). I’ve got to say – this was probably one of the most enjoyable I’ve been to. That was in part the...
Blog Wars 7 Tournament List – Iron Warriors

Blog Wars 7 Tournament List – Iron Warriors

Hi all - this weekend is the 7th iteration of the worlds best 40K tournament; Blog Wars. All the Weemen have been to at least one of these Tournaments, but I am proud to say that I've been to every one so far.Unfortunately Siph and Lord H wont be able to make it this...
the6thdegree at Red Steel Preston Painting Competition 2

the6thdegree at Red Steel Preston Painting Competition 2

So around a year ago my local gaming club, Red Steel Preston had their first annual painting competition - and I did pretty well, picking up first in the large model class with my Forgefiend.We recently held the second installment of the painting comp and I decided to...
Iron Warriors – Hell Blade

Iron Warriors – Hell Blade

Hi all - so this is one of the latest models I have been working on - a Chaos Hell Blade.Lets be honest, the Heldrake is pretty much an auto-include for CSMs...I wish they weren't, but if you don't want to go down the zombie-cultist route, Turkeys and Obliterators are...
Iron Warriors – Legion Praetors

Iron Warriors – Legion Praetors

From the moment Forgeworld released their Legion Praetor models, I knew I had to have them - they are absolutely stunning AND come in Cataphractii and Mk3 armour (perfect for my HH Iron Warriors). Its easy to see why these are in the top selling Forgeworld products...