Iron Warriors – Rhino Counts-As

Iron Warriors – Rhino Counts-As

Hi again. I picked up this tank as part of Ramshackle Games Brothers of Iron Kickstarter. I pledged around £30 and got the tank and some soldier figures that I will be using for Cultists/Renegade Guard (when I get around to it).The tank is about the same size as a...
Iron Warrors – Tracked Turret

Iron Warrors – Tracked Turret

Back in October Siph posted a Kickstarter for some alternate Heavy weapons and combi-bolters - as well as a nice tracked turret from PDC Gaming.I also backed the Kickstarter and managed to build and paint up of of these little guys.Its an alright little mini - hardly...
Iron Warriors – Rhino

Iron Warriors – Rhino

Hi guys - Happy New Year!It seems that I have disappeared slightly since the start of December (Siph edit: November mate!) and whilst I have been crazily busy, I have managed to get quite a bit of painting done - so my hobbying News Year's Resolution is going to be...
Shadows of Brimstone – Kickstarter

Shadows of Brimstone – Kickstarter

Hi all – I thought I would throw this up on the blog in case anyone is interested. Shadows of Brimstone is a new dungeon-crawler tabletop game by Flying Frog Production (the guys behind the...